Wednesday 12 December 2012


Well we have been in and out of so many doctor's offices and waiting rooms in the last few weeks I don't think I can even count them all.  It all started when we went for our usual fall medical check-ups in preparation for our three months down south. 
Dan had not really been feeling his best of late when we went, so that triggered a series of doctor's appointments and tests.  It started with our regular GP exam then it was off for the blood tests, xrays, etc.  Then he had an appointment with a Gastroenterologist, who sent him for a  Colonoscopy.   After that it was off to the Cardio specialist, that looked after him after his By-Pass surgery, he sent him to St. Boniface hospital for a Cardiac Stress Test.  By now of course he was feeling much better, but all the appointments are made and you have to keep them.  So then it was back to our GP who after eliminating all these things has given him a diagnosis of Hiatus Hernia. 
 "Nothing to worry about", just don't over eat or eat too fast, which has always been one of Dan's problems.  We used to call him "Arcs and Sparks" as his knife and fork were moving so fast.  I used to think, him and his mom were in a race at Sunday dinner, they were always finished waaaay ahead of any of the rest of us at the table.   

So with the doctor giving him a clean bill of health and saying "Have a good trip.". we can now finish our packing and get ready for our planned departure on December 24th.  We are having our little family get together on December 22nd, last minute stuff to do on the 23rd.  To bed early and up and on the road early on the 24th.  We are hoping that the roads will be deserted on the 24th and 25th.  Now all we have to watch is the weather.