Monday 24 January 2011

This is What We're Up To

On Sunday we also went to a Garden Centre just up the street from our RV Park. It's really kind of neat to go into a Garden Centre and find that, plants that we would consider "House Plants" ready to be planted out in your yard.

As you wander about, It's like walking into a jungle or the Assiniboine Park Conservitory. All dark and cool and shaded. They have rows of tanks with water plants and Gold Fish and Koi.

and the brick paths through the plants for sale.

This is What We're Up To con't

On Sunday morning we went to Mercedes, to find the new Outlet Mall. Thats where all the designers and manufacturers each have their own outlet stores with just their stuff.

It was interesting, but all I found to buy were a couple of T-Shirts. I'm sure we will go back again, because there are still some things I'm looking for.

I don't know what's up with weathermen. It's the same thing as at home. They always get it wrong. They keep talking about cold weather and every day since they have been talking about this cold front we've had temperatures over 70. If this is their idea of a cold front I'll take it.