Friday 25 October 2019


To me, it seems like only yesterday, but it has actually been 4 months since Dan passed.  Winter is looming large in my future and I don't know if I am ready for that.  

That power outage two weeks ago has put a bit of a scare in me.  Well, I am the corner house right on # 9 highway which is plowed quite quickly after it snows and I now have a little car with snow tires that seems quite reliable.  I hope I'm ready.  

My kids have helped me get this far and I know that they are only a phone call away.  My son Ken has been out here this week helping me with a few chores in preparation for winter.  

I just find myself very un-sure and un-settled and I am not used to that feeling,  

Tuesday 15 October 2019


I definitely wanted to have my family around for Thanksgiving.  so, I invited everyone out and we planned a family get together out here for an early Turkey dinner on Sunday.

Image result for thanksgiving turkey

So I got busy clearing the clutter out of my dining room.  Bought an 18-pound turkey and cranberry sauce etc. etc...   

Friday afternoon I felt like I was close to being ready for the big family dinner, things were coming together.  I was double checking my todo list while eating dinner around 5:30 pm on Friday night when suddenly the power went out.  Now we have had power outages out here in the past and they never last too long.  A half an hour to an hour at most so I finished my dinner and made an attempt at doing the dishes, but with an electric water pressure pump that did not go that well as the water pressure faded on me. 

So I dug out my iPhone and started playing solitaire.  That kept me entertained for a while, but by 9:00 pm, it was starting to get a little cool, so I decided to go to bed.  "Surely the power will be back on by morning."  and I will still have time to prep my turkey, make my jellied salad and set the dining room up for Sunday.  

I slept right through until 8:00 am, but as I awoke I sensed that nothing had changed.  I had not turned any of the light switches off, so if the power was on the lights would be back on, plus I was feeling quite cool, even under the covers.  

So, it was time to find out what was going on.  My landline was not working and I had killed my cell phone playing solitaire last night, so I headed for the convenience store, to use the phone and call hydro.  As I was pulling out of my driveway I could see why I had no power.  There was a tree from a yard on the north side of our lane. broken and had fallen across the lane and taken out the power lines on the south side of the lane.  The convenience store did not prove to be much help.  They were able to loan me a phone but as I asked if anyone knew the number for hydro, all the guys hanging around having coffee just laughed and of course they were right all I got was a busy signal.  Not wanting to go back to our cold dark house, Sea-Enna and I decided to head for the city.  

When I got to Tracy's, I started emailing all of the invitees for suggestions on how we should proceed.  Should we cancel till next weekend?  The turkey is thawed and in my fridge.  Now that it's thawed shouldn't it be cooked?  Sea-Enna and I also need a place to stay, because we don't want to go back to that cold dark house.  Who knows how long this outage will last?  So, the decision was made, I would drive back to the beach, pick up the turkey and all my contributions to the dinner and come and stay at Jim's till???  And we would have the thanksgiving at his place and deal with the rest when we had to.  And so, our thanksgiving went off without a hitch.  My children were all there except Ken.  Plus all of my grandchildren that could make it.  (Glad I got a chance to see Dayne and Jessica last month.)

Everyone contributed to dinner, hor's d oeuvres and dessert which were all delicious.  And we all had a wonderful visit,  and it turns out my daughter Wendy is going to take her terminally ill sister Tracy Elizabeth on a Caribbean Cruise on November 8th.  Tracy is so excited.  What a wonderful gift.  

Boyd Halliwell, help me out by letting me know when my hydro was back on, on Monday so I was able to head back home.   So, all in all, it was:



Saturday 5 October 2019


I know that many of you have heard my complaints about Dan's truck (Which I inherited.)  I swear that truck hated me. Some days it wouldn't start for me and lately it had taken to locking the doors unexpectedly, either locking me in or out. I had to get into the habit of carrying a spare set of keys.  Well I have taken the next step forward.  I have purchased a car.  

My son-in-law Murray found this one for me.  It's something that is more my size and I don't have to climb up into it.  Plus it is much easier on fuel as well. 

Somehow though I feel bad that I feel like I am inch by inch divesting myself of Dan.  First the boat and now his truck.  I feel like this every time I find something of his, that is of no use to me, and I have to dispose of it.  


Tuesday 1 October 2019


I am so sad to see it go, but it has to be. 

I can not do all the work the boat needs each year, nor can I afford the expenses. It has been 3 months since Dan passed and it is time for me to move on with this new phase of my life, where ever that takes me.  

Part of me wants to carry on with the plans that Dan and I made together, but the other part of me knows that that may not be possible.  So, for now, I will just keep putting one foot in front of the other, keep myself busy and make decisions only when I am sure of what to do.  

I am very lonely, as we always did everything together.  He did not have a separate group of friends he did things with, nor did I.  Not having anyone to tell things to, or share news with or share plans with is the hardest part.