Wednesday 21 January 2015


I don't know why, but Sea-Enna has taken to looking at herself in the mirror.  It's not as if we don't have the same kind of mirrors in the condo at home, but this behaviour just started this year here in Texas and we can't quite figure it out.  

It seems to occur only when one of us is alone with her.  I first started to notice it when Dan was over at the hall on Hamburger night.  

So I started taking pictures of her doing it.  Then one day when I was out and Dan was alone with her, he found her up in the bedroom doing the same thing.  

She sits very still and just stares at herself.  She NEVER does this behaviour when we are both here.  

We are wondering if she is looking for the missing one of us, in the mirror.  Or maybe because we are always telling her she is a pretty girl, she is just checking.