We are starting to settle in at the lake. Slowly getting into the rhythms of nature that we live by here.
Sea-Enna certainly is feeling at home. She just loves to be outdoors and here at the
lake, she gets to be outdoors, whenever one of us is.
And she has her work to do here as well. Every morning when she is let out she chases
the geese back down off the grass and back into the water.
I love having the geese swimming past the
back of our boat, but when they are up on the grass in front of our boat, that’s
a whole different story. They are
pooping everywhere with every step they take.
We have two families in the harbour this summer.
One family with 4 goslings,
and another with
6 goslings.
The babies are so cute
right now, all yellow and fluffy, but in a few weeks from now they will have their full feathers and will be
walking, eating and pooping machines. That is when I will have to get out my Pooper Scooper, and clean up the grass every morning until they are full grown and leave the harbour.