Saturday 28 July 2012


Ken & Ann
We cruised out of port on Sunday with a lot of my children's cousins on board. 
Racheal & Micheal

Lynn & Lisa
Tbeth & Dan with cousins from different sides of the family Deanna and Leon
Lynn and Murray with cousins Lisa and Wendy
Racheal & Micheal with Rochelle & Jaqualyn
Leon with cousin Wendy

Tbeth with her cousin Bonnie

Then it ended all to soon and it was time to go back to port.                                                                                                                                                                  


All of the cousins started to disburse from there.  Bonnie & Deanna, back to the city.  We had one last evening with Lisa and Leon and Lynn and Micheal and Racheal before they all headed back to Ohio on Tuesday.  My daughter Tbeth stayed on board till Thursday for a little holiday and my  Daughter Wendy is out here in the campground for most of the summer, so we are pretty well back to normal.