Monday 3 July 2017


 I got all my Canada Day decorations out and got some flags put on the boat and the approach and the dock, in anticipation of a wonderful Canada Day weekend.  

The weekend started out rather dismally.  Just a little rain, but cool, cool cool.  

We went to Matlock and had a nice visit with family on Saturday.  But it was off and on sun and still cool.  We opted out of seeing the fireworks that night as it was a little too rough to be out on the lake, and too damned cold to walk down to the beach.  

Sunday finally gave us some of what we wanted.  The lake was calm enough for a cruise to Gimli, which our guests really enjoyed.  

Still to cold for the boys to go swimming off the boat though.   Maybe next time.  

The harbour is finally filling up with all the regulars.  Not only the weather, but, all the regulars seem to be a little behind schedule this year. 

 But this weekend finally saw a lot of day trippers with their trailers all lined up waiting for them to com back from there day on the lake.  

Quite a few people have taken Monday off as well and turned this into a long weekend.  So the harbour is still quite active.  Nice to see finally. 

The weather seems to be rewarding them too.