Thursday 4 April 2013


We are settling in back at home, but it's amazing and funny what we found.  Because we had a party the night before we left, there were a couple of things overlooked in our rush to get out of here the next morning. 

Yesterday, upon putting some stuff away in my book shelves, low and behold, what do I find, but a paper plate, with some dried up shrimp tails and shrimp sauce and a napkin on top of it, sitting on one of the shelves, that had been overlooked when I was tidying up before I went to bed, December 22nd.

Then today, when I opened my Microwave to use it, there was a plate full of sausage rolls that had been heated up but not served that night, and not noticed in there until now.  Oh well,  no harm done. 

Everything is unpacked, and sorted, but we still have to deliver it around to where it belongs.  Some belongs here, some goes to my kids, and some out to the boat, etc. etc. etc. We should be back to normal shortly.