Saturday 29 January 2011

Today We Took a Cruise Boat Down The Rio Grande River.

 Our dock mates Sharon & Casey picked us up and we went on a boat cruise up and down the Rio Grande River. 

I was amazed at how crystal clear the water was.  It was like looking into a swimming pool, of greenish blue water.  I always thought the Rio Grande would be murky like our Red River. 

This must have been a beautiful cruise a few years ago.  But last year they had a "Flood of the Century" They had torrential rain falls all along the Rio Grande and this area had water levels about 20 feet above normal levels, that did not recede for weeks and weeks. 

This boat obviously floated up as the flood waters came and got jammed up into the boathouse and never came back down again. 

Businesses and homes up and down the river were decimated and filled with silt. 

This was once an extensive and exclusive resort that has still not been restored. 

There is devastation everywhere you look. 

Some will never  recover. 

Some are slowly starting to recover.  The cruise company we cruised with, is one that is on it's way back.  But I am sure they are hoping the scenery up and down the river will improve, and get back to it's former beauty. 

All in all it was a nice day.

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