Saturday 27 October 2012


As I look across the street at Central Park all white with snow, there is not that much of it, but it looks very cold.  It makes me kinda glad we decided not to go to the hangar to work on the boat this weekend.

We were hoping for one more work weekend before the weather turned, but we may not get one now.  This cold snap is a little early.  It's rare, but memorable if we get snow that stays, before November 15th.  At least this isn't one of those Colorado lows that can hit us like a ton of bricks.   (or make that snow)

You can tell by Sea-Enna's down in the dumps expression that she would prefer to be at the hangar romping around.  At least at the hangar even when it's cold out she still has a place to romp around, and chase a ball when no one is there.

We were hoping to do some fiber glassing, but it can't be this cold when you mix up fiber glass as it will never set up.

I think Dan is just as happy to stay home and veg out with the TV this weekend as well.  We have been very disappointed, not having the TV, in the boaters lounge, working at the end of the day, on those work weekends.  So,now he'll get a chance to sit around and watch TV.  As for me I have a lot of computer stuff to catch up on, if I can keep myself from getting too frustrated with this new computer of mine.

We definitely have to make one more trip out to the boat, as there are a lot of items, that I have to take off of the boat, to take to Texas with me.  I had better start making a list, so that I wont forget things.  It's mostly shorts and tops and summer cloths that I want to retrieve and of course my spice rack that I use on both the boat and in the trailer.  Oh well, if I forget something I can always buy new down there.

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