Monday 15 April 2013


When I woke up this morning and saw a snow drift on my bedroom window sill, I moaned, "Oh, NO" and pulled the covers up over my head and tried to go back to sleep. 
But, because I'm retired, I don't wake to an alarm, but wake when I'm fully rested, there was no going back to sleep.  And besides the thought of more snow was angering me so much, that sleep was impossible. 

So what is the solution?  I hollered at Dan "Can we head back to Texas for another month?" To which he laughed, when I was actually dead serious.  It's April 15th for cripes sake, and it's one thing to have snow still on the ground that has not yet melted, (which is far to late in the year, but I am trying to tolerate it) but, to get fresh snow today is unexpected, unwanted, unfathomable, unreasonable and totally unacceptable. 

I am open to suggestions.  Anybody got any creative ideas.  I'm willing to try anything.  Do you think the weatherman would be open to a bribe? 


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