It has been a wonderful weekend at the lake. A lot more boats have arrived. The harbour is starting to fill up. A lot more new people to meet and names to learn. Which are always difficult for me to remember.
Our neighbour Art finally got his new dock. The marina has over the last couple of years been replacing all the old wood docks with new EZ Docks. Art was the last to get one and arrived in the beach before his dock was ready, so he had to park else where and wait for it to be readied. But he got to sit on shore and watch it all take shape.
We have a couple of families of geese in the harbour this year. This little guy was lagging behind when his family climbed out of the creek and up onto the bank. He couldn't seem to keep up, so he just stopped and took a rest.
But, not to worry, Dad was standing guard close by waiting for him to come up and join the others. We have one family of three gosslings and another family of four. They are adorable to watch when they are all so cute, yellow and fluffy and tripping all over themselves.
The weather has been wonderful and everyone is so happy to be back at the lake again for another season.
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