Thursday 20 February 2014


When Gord and Ellie left they were just starting to get a little taste of our wonderful Texas weather.  They had endured a week of some of the worst weather I have ever experienced here.  Other than some sightseeing, visiting, and dancing we stayed holed up in the trailer with the furnace on to keep warm.  Thank goodness for a new card game they introduced us to called "Sticks". 
Since they left the weather has been slowly improving.  I have been enjoying the outdoors a lot this past week or so.  I have been for a few evening swims, which I love.  Then today it turned another corner to the point where it got too HOT.  We were dealing with the fact that our microwave bagged it last night. 
So, Dan and our friend Larry Jones stood out in that hot sun most of the day and tore it apart and Larry checked out all the components to see if it was salvageable, only to find out it was not. Thanks anyways Larry. So then the hunt was on for a new one that was white (a rarity now a-days) and would fit in the hole in the trailer (another challenge).   So by the time that was all accomplished and the microwave was installed in the hole, the temperatures we soaring well into the 90s. 
But only for the late afternoon, the worst part of the day, that's when we had to close all the windows and blinds and and turn the air conditioning on.  I hate that.  It's like being trapped inside with the furnace on. 
I am certainly glad to report that the A/C worked just fine, seeing as how it's the first time we have used it since buying the trailer.  We took advantage of that air conditioning until the sun went down then we opened the windows and door and let the air move through. 

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