Tuesday 2 August 2016


We have had so many geese in the harbour this year.  We figure about 7 breeding pairs, each with on average 5 goslings.  As Canada geese mate for life and are said to return to where they were born, to have their young, that should be a lot of geese next year.  

We are wondering about one of the pairs of geese that do not have a brood of goslings this year.  The discussion here in the harbour is, that there are all kinds of possibilities that may have contributed to this.  They may have found each other too late and tried to mate too late in the season?  They may have had a brood that were destroyed by predators?  One of them may be sterile?  Then there is always the possibility that they are "Gay"?

“In geese you may find a very strong homosexual bond between two male geese who behave like a “mating pair” even though they cannot copulate.  They always forget that the other refuses to be mounted and they try again every spring.  Each behaves in a perfectly normal male way and if he could speak he would say, “I love my wife very much, but she’s definitely frigid”…..   
Psychology Today.  

As male and female Canada Geese are identical in appearance, just a very slight difference in size, it is difficult to tell if these are a male and female, or two males.  Either way they are certainly pair bonded, and are always together.  Maybe we will see them again next year, if they survive, the long and treacherous journey they have ahead of them. 


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