We planned to be away early, but of course, the best
laid plans etc. etc. We woke this morning to "No Hot Water", (Something wrong with the boiler?) not that we have to do anything about it, and it should be fine when we get home, but that meant no showers, and boiling water to do dishes and clean out my fridge. By the time we got out to get the trailer, and drove from the north end of the city to the south end, we really didn't leave Winnipeg behind us until around 11:00 am. Next we ran into a huge line up at the border. It took us from 12:10 til 2:30 to clear through the border. It has all been very tedious, bucking strong south winds all day, which really slows us down. So we called it a day when we got to Fargo around 6:00pm.