We finally get to go out to the lake for a work weekend. It may even turn out to be warm enough for fibre glassing. So, Friday we will load the tools and groceries in the truck and head for Gimli, to tackle those to do lists. We will go out on Friday Morning and stay right though Sunday.

The first thing we will have to do is stop in at Gord and Ellie's and pick up my commercial sewing machine. I want to set that up right behind the boat. Nice and handy for my sewing chores. Then I have to get our dinghy down off the top of the boat for measurements and fittings, as that is going to be my first and biggest project.

Weather permitting, Dan will be able get his fibre glassing at least started, if not finished. If that gets done it will be ready for sanding and painting next weekend. Time permitting we may get more than that done. As stated in previous blogs the to do list are long and we only have 4 or 5 weekends until we launch. Hopefully in early June.