Thursday 24 January 2013


First off, Dan got busy removing our damaged window.  This window was broken in a storm that hit McAllen just after we left for home last April.  The Park Maintenance people covered it for us and when that failed, our neighbours, then Sharon & Casey covered it again.  So that protected the inside. 

So now the weather and his health have improved enough to tackle this job. 

Of course all the guys in the park are retired and always looking for something to do, so he had lots of assistance and advice.

Thanks guys, the new window will be here for reinstalling in a week to ten days.
Then because we were going to the window repair place, I was able to talk Dan into going to "Don-West Flea Market", which was near by.  I finally got the finishing touch for my patio my long awaited Armadillo. 

Then later, after dinner, we went to the Rec Hall for a dance.  The band was called "Swing Tyme", which played our kinda music.  There was a good turn out and we had a very good time. 

This is one of my favorite things about coming down to Texas.  Going Dancing all the time.  We have been invited to join some friends to do the same thing tomorrow night. 

So, that's it for now.  It's great to be back to blogging again.  So glad they got this fixed I wouldn't have wanted to learn and set up a different one.