Blog Started back on December 17th, 2010, which was our second year of travel through the Southern States in our little 24.5 ft Springdale trailer.
This was a way to keep our friends and relatives informed as to where we were and what we were up to. It has since grown from there to be a weekly blog,
whether traveling or not. It follows us through hauling our trailer
from home down south to Texas, East to the Florida Keys, out West to
San Diego and the West coast.
Then the big change, that my life companion and mate Dan, passed suddenly on June 24th of 2019, leaving me adrift and having difficulty making decisions right down to if I should even continue this blog. My posts have been very spotty since his passing so it is obvious that a
decision has not been made about that either. If I do continue it, it will be a very different blog about Sea-Enna and I and how we are proceeding. No more traveling and probably a lot more musings about surviving widowhood.