Today Lake Agassiz Marine pulled the Thunderbird, Gator, Loafhaven and 2 other boats out of the water and tucked them away for the winter.
This end of season ritual actually started last week when John West decided to head back to RMYC to put the Gator away there. They only got as far as the mouth of the Red River and had to turn back, as there is not enough water to get through.

So, he decided to winter in Gimli with the rest of us.
We all headed out early this morning. It was really cold, I had the stove going all the way to Gimli. The trip was a little rough, certainly not the nicest trip to Gimli I have ever had, but certainly not the worst either. We were first out, so we had to be there by 9:00am. .
We all made it to Gimli by just short of 9:00 am when "Thunderbird' would be pulled and sure enough there was the trailer sitting in the water at the launch ramp all ready for us.
This was a new experience for me as normally Dan would pull into a dock and await the trailer and when the trailer arrived I would get off the boat with the dog and wait on shore. But today they were waiting for us so we just drove straight onto the trailer. I must admit this made me nervous. I covered my eyes as we got close and only peeked here and there. I guess I could even get used to this. Lets face it when we first bought the boat I was always too nervous to follow behind when they were taking it down to the harbour. For some reason I always thought something bad was going to happen. Now it doesn't bother me at all.