Then all the mundane things like shopping, cooking and cleaning.
As soon as I get back to the condo in the fall, I so quickly settle into a dull routine.
Then I got out my Christmas decorations. I don't do much in the way of Christmas decor, as I hate to have to put it all away before I head south, and if you have a lot, it's even worse to come back to in April. So this is my little Christmas decor effort.
So now that I'm feeling a little more Christmassy, it's time to get my Christmas cards done, and start my Christmas shopping. Not that I have that much to do. I only have two grandchildren under 18 now. Once they are adults they no longer get a Christmas present from Nana & Grampa.
Then I started to think about heading for Texas. Making my lists and starting to pack stuff into two big plastic storage crates that we take. Then ordering enough of our pills for 3 months. We also took the dog to the vet for all her check ups.
So, that's what I have been up to for the last couple of weeks. Dan is out this morning at his annual volunteer Sally Ann Children's Charity, so I decided this was a good time for me to get caught up on my Blog.
The countdown to Texas is starting. 24 days and counting.