Last spring as a canvas sewing project, I upholstered new canvas covered cushions for the back deck of Thunderbird.

Along with a rain cover and Bar-B-Q cover.
That all went very well and because it was finished very quickly, I was able to make a good start on a cover for our Dinghy. I got the basic shape planned, cut and sewn together.
Then we ran out of time. It was the end of May and time to launch. So, the dinghy went up on top of the boat and the half finished cover has been held on with a few spring loaded clamps.
One of the stumbling blocks I ran into was securing the cover to the dinghy so that it would not blow off. I have installed a bungee cord around the cover, but it needs to be attached to the dinghy somehow. While down south this winter I was able to order two of these ??? kits, that should work.
Now it's time to get back at it and get that canvas sewing project finished and possibly start on the canvas windshield cover that I also want to make.
I have already made a see through sun-screen cover for the windshield that works very well.
It keeps the temperature down a lot in the pilot house, but you can still see out through it, so it does not give you the closed in feeling that full canvas will.
But, in an extreme heat wave, I would love to have a solid canvas one, that would work better at keeping the boat cool.