The Boundary Creek Great Grey Heron, is back for another year. When we first moved our boat to this marina, from where we used to boat out of Gimli Harbour, this bird was a rare sighting and we were all quick to snap pictures of him/her each time he/she showed up. How do you tell the sex of a bird???
Well, this bird has obviously chosen our harbour as its home territory. It is quite relaxed and sits and preens at it's leisure and feels in no danger no matter how many of us are around. It is a little more leery on the weekends when the harbour is very, very busy.
It generally feeds at dawn and dusk along the edge of our creek and is fascinating to watch. My research indicates that Grey Herons perch high in (preferably dead) trees at night.
We have all become so familiar
with this bird and we all look forward to seeing it and feel very protective of it. It has become just like part of our marina family. I think we should have a "Name the Heron" competition this summer. My suggestion is "Bounder". Any other suggestions?