We finally have sunshine, which has given me the incentive to carry on with the cleaning of my boat.
Yesterday, I got the Galley and Salon done. I even washed all the Venetian blinds (a yucky job at the best of times).

This morning, I tackled the forward stateroom "Captain's Quarters"(but he lets me sleep there too) and the en suite bathroom.

I even got the main "Head"(bathroom) scoured and sparkling. I really must find a basket for all those toiletries on the counter. Well that's it until next weekend. Then I will tackle the "Pilot House", which means 4 more Venetian Blinds. (Yuck) And we have to bring a carpet cleaner out to clean that old carpet in there, as we will not be able to get new carpet this year. Then we will be able to bring in our newly built "Captain's Seat" and install the ice maker etc. but, that's next weekend. .