Well, I started decorating my boat on Thursday, then it started to rain. "Oh, well, I can finish this on Friday, when it stops raining."
"WRONG" Everyone started to bail on the whole idea of the Light Parade. Even the guy in charge. No names will be used to protect the negligent. Needless to say I was very disappointed, we didn't even go out to watch the fireworks. Dan took my lights off of our boat this morning.
And he knew I was disappointed so he compensated me with a wonderful day on the lake. We cruised on out around lunch time, spent the day swimming, bobbing and relaxing out there. Tower Beach was well attended as usual.
It was very relaxing even with three dogs on board.
There was a huge family playing keep away with a ball, and the pleasure and excitement was quite infectious for Sea-Enna, she soooo much wanted to join them.
Sea-Enna did some retrieving. So she got her exercise.
Misty also got her exercise by chasing her ball. I've never seen a dog like her that plays with a ball all by herself. She picks it up, tosses it in the air, then chases it again. then pushes it around with her nose, put her foot on it and picks it up again. It's quite entertaining to watch and good exercise and quite entertaining for her.
Felix on the other hand took a stroll around the deck??? Now we have a pretty wide walk around on our boat, but I was really shocked when I saw him coming back from his stroll. While I was busy taking pictures, he obviously sneaked up onto the port side of the walk around (as that is where I last saw him). And when I put my camera down, here came Felix strolling along the starboard walk around back towards the stern. Too bad I didn't get a picture of that little stunt. So I guess I'm not the only one that enjoyed the outing. All on board had a good time.
Don't forget next weekend is Islendingadagurinn, I'm sure lots of boats will be travelling back and forth between here and Gimli for their Icelandic Festival.
Then on August 10th is the BCYC Bar-B-Q, so mark your calendars and be sure to take part.