While Dan is saying "Let's Roll".
As we headed out of Denton, the sun was not up yet and the low areas were covered with fog. Very pretty. Then the sun crested the horizon, as we headed out of Texas and into Oklahoma.
The first town we pass in Oklahoma, is Thackerville. One of these days we really should stop in there and see what the town is all about. I could also do some ancestry research. Maybe we have some rich relatives there. We didn't stop though, as we are trying to make headway.
Even more impressive when the same thing is done through solid granite in northwestern Ontario.
We made great progress today. We managed to cover 750 miles from Denton Texas to Council Bluffs, Iowa. We accomplished that by not even stopping for breakfast. (We ate cold left over Pizza in the car as we traveled. I like left over Pizza for breakfast once in a while, but only if I can heat it up.)
The only stops that we made were to fuel up the truck and relieve ourselves, as necessary, as Sea-Enna can attest.

And my last thought for tonight. I really must find out what these trees are. As we travelled north all day we were seeing these trees. (what I assume are a type of fruit tree, but obviously a wild one) They were all in full magnificent bloom everywhere we looked.
Well that's it for tonight we are off, out for dinner. No more Pizza for me this trip. More tomorrow.
And my last thought for tonight. I really must find out what these trees are. As we travelled north all day we were seeing these trees. (what I assume are a type of fruit tree, but obviously a wild one) They were all in full magnificent bloom everywhere we looked.
Well that's it for tonight we are off, out for dinner. No more Pizza for me this trip. More tomorrow.