It has gotten quite hot of late. We have taken to cooking and eating outside as much as possible.

We Bar-B-Q when we can, or I cook something that I can create right after breakfast and re-heat come supper time.
We have air conditioning in the trailer, but I fight against turning it on. To live in air conditioning you have to end up closing all the windows and doors and staying inside. If I wanted to stay indoors with the windows and doors closed up tight, I might as well have stayed up north in Manitoba.

The other solutions for me is to go for an evening swim. That is one of my favorite things to do, even in the summer when we are living on the boat. We either take the boat out of the harbour for us and Sea-Enna to have a swim, off of the boat. Or, we go over to the beach area for an evening swim. Here, it's the pool, that we always have all to ourselves, as no one else seems to like an evening swim like I do. I find it always cools you down and relaxes you before bed.