Then came a lot of flag waving for Texas, all the sponsors, then the National Anthem.
Then the real action started.
It was oibvious that technology has also caught up with the Cowboys, after a successful or unsuccessful ride, you have to send a text about it.
And before their ride you see most of these boys saying a little prayer.
The thing I found to be the most fun to watch was the calf scramble. They invited all the children under 10 to come into the ring. Then they released those three little calves that were calming that bull earlier. All the calves had red ribbons tied to their tails and whichever of the children was able to grab a ribbon got a prize.
It was kayos but really comical to watch.
Then of course it was back to the professionals again.
All in all it was "Interesting", and certainly something I have never experienced before. Dan has been watching this kind of thing on TV for years, but I don't think I will be interested in seeing it again.