"Okay the trailers all hooked up where are we going now?"
We set off this morning for a short trip to Fausse Point State Park, but it was such a good day for traveling, warm sunshine, and no wind, we got to the turn off and decided to continue right on through to New Orleans.
Over many bridges over many canals, rivers and bayous.
This city and surrounding area is all Canals, Rivers and Bayous.
So as we went over that last bridge, I never imagined that "Gladys" (our GPS) was taking us straight for a very small ferry that would not accommodate our trailer. It seems I forgot to change the settings back to "Avoid Ferries" after our ferry ride off of Galveston Island. So we veered off just before the ferry and I reset "Gladys"and she re-routed us to our campground, avoiding all the ferries, which of course added 28 miles to our journey and sent us right through down town New Orleans, with trailer in tow.
It gave me a chance to snap some good shots of the New Orleans Skyline.
But as usual good old "Gladys"got us there in the end despite our errors.
I love this campground it's very roomy and lovely and clean.
We are booked in here for this whole weekend and maybe beyond. We'll see how it goes.