Even the mosquito infested Fireworks display was well attended.
But, we can always do better, so, lets talk all the others that didn't take part, into joining us for future endeavours.

Our Canada Day Flotilla was well attended, but we hope to get more boats out next year as well.
We have 3 weekends in July with nothing planned.
We have the Light Parade to look forward to on Saturday night July 27th. For those that don't know about this, Winnipeg Beach has a huge fireworks display on that night in celebration of their "Boardwalk Days", and us boaters not only take our boats out of the harbour to watch said
So, we are looking for volunteers to organize an event. We have some suggestions, but no volunteers to help out as yet. Everyone was so overly generous at the weeny roast, throwing extra into the pot, that I have $22.00 left over to contribute, to help defray the costs of some future endeavour that anyone comes up with.
We have the BCYC Bar-B-Q on August 10th 1:00 - 2:30 to look forward to. Dean supplies the Bar-B-Q.
Then the Corn Roast on Aug. 24th at 7:30pm. Join us on the island for fresh corn roasted and toasted on a wood fired barbecue. Dean always supplies GREAT corn.
So, that means we also have 2 weekends in August with nothing planned.
EZ Dock Olympics are coming up on Sept. 1st. So practise up your boating skills for that one.
So, put your thinking caps on and there are always lots of people that will be willing to help with whatever idea you come up with or we have a list of ideas that just need an organizer.