Today's journey consisted of Austin, Texas to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.

Even with it being Good Friday, the traffic was heavy as usual going through Fort Worth Dallas area. I hate those stacked up highways, but as long as we don't have to go up on them, that is just fine with me. With a few slow downs for heavy traffic we were soon though the last of Texas and into Oklahoma.
I love Oklahoma, you notice the immediate change in the roadsides. Everything is so neat and park like compared to the hustle, bustle of the advertising signs etc. all along the Texas road sides.

In Oklahoma all private property seems to be well back from the freeways. And the property around the freeways is all very well maintained.

Therefore everything looks much more park like.
We arrived in Oklahoma City and checked into our Motel around 3:00 pm, which gave us a very relaxed afternoon and evening. We went out for Dinner then relaxed and watched TV.