Wednesday 2 March 2011

Blogging Less

I haven't been blogging much lately as we have been very busy.  But the trailer is now "Tied Down".  and one more chore is off our list. 
We attended a Park , "Beer & Brats" function this afternoon.  As you can see there were enthusiastic attendees. 

It was very well attended and we met some new people.

They had Pinatas you had to break with a pool noodle.    ??

The Beer was cold, and the Brats were good.

They turned the hot tub into a duck pond.  You bought a ticket, fished out a duck with a number on the bottom and claimed a prize with the corresponding number.  Dan won a puzzle game. 

And I won some home made cookies.  All in all it was a fun afternoon.  We are going to try to attend more of these type functions.