But that wasn't to be the case. In late June, those same symptoms returned. I used my Nitroglycerin as instructed and waited and watched for them to pass, which they did. Fortunately I had an appointment with my family doctor the next week, for a totally unrelated matter. When I saw him, that unrelated matter got put on the back burner and we discussed the return of my still undiagnosed symptoms. He immediately referred me to a very good Cardiologist.
I saw the Cardiologist on August the 8th, and he feels this needs further investigating. His exact words were, "You're not going to have a heart attack on my watch." So, here I am with two appointments with St. Boniface Hospital for pre-Angiogram on August 20th, which I have already dealt with and an Angiogram procedure and August 28th.
I must say I really love our health care system. When you really have something wrong with you, that Doctors view as serious, it gets dealt with. I've never had a problem with wait-times, that I hear other people gripe about, unless it's with my Dermatologists or my Chiropodists.