We left Youngstown at 6:00am with a light sprinkling of snow in Lisa's yard, that turned into absolute white outs from time to time as we travelled across Ohio. All the way along the highway there were cars and trucks in the ditches, which of course caused tie ups and traffic jams. Everywhere there was an accident, there were always at least 4 cars involved. As we travelled through Indiana it became intermittent. It would clear and we would think it was all over, then it would be back again.

Finally as we entered Illinois it started to clear. We still had the odd streak of snow come through but nothing to serious. And as we entered St. Louis Missouri, the sun was shining just like us prairie girls like. The wind was howling and it was cold, but the sun was shining as if it was Manitoba. I can live with that. (I'm used to it.) So we are settled in here in southwest St.Louis, and going out for dinner. We will try to make San Antonio TX, tomorrow, the forecast there for tomorrow is 62 . I'll take that.