The last couple of days have sure made the long drive worth while. The weather has been wonderful. Yesterday we went shopping and I bought myself a new camera, which I am still trying to learn how to use. I hate the learning curve. I got a pretty good picture of Sea-enna though. Don't you think? After a nice dinner we sat out with our wine until after the sun was down. But just like Winnipeg at this time of the year the sun is down just after 6:00pm. It was still a nice evening.
Today we went out and did some touring and sight-seeing, and I kept trying and testing out my new camera. When we got back to the trailer I put a cassarole in the oven and we went for a swim in the MVP pool. It's a really nice facility with a hot tub etc. I don't know why, but I forgot to take my new camera to take picture. Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. We are going to be here until Feb. 5th so I'll get lots of pictures. This one is of one of the other RV Parks in the area. Because of the nice dog park in McAllen, we are going to look at a few of the parks there, to see what the possibilties are for next year.