You never know when the real thing is going to arrive, but here we are still at home preparing and packing. And the real thing has arrived.

And it was a real accumulation of snow. We were hoping to get on the road before this hit. But, as they say, "The best laid plays of mice and men etc., etc., etc."

And it was a real accumulation of snow. We were hoping to get on the road before this hit. But, as they say, "The best laid plays of mice and men etc., etc., etc."
Our youngest son and oldest daughter came out to visit us before we left, which was very nice, but it was a treacherous drive out here yesterday and it will be slow going back into town tonight.
We have a few more chores and errands to see to before we drain the water system and shut the power off. That will be the final step before we lock the doors and leave on Friday morning.