We also have a list of things to do before we depart the hangar. We
have two storage areas, when we are in the hangar. We have an old metal locker (like you have in school) that we use for fibre glass and paint supplies.
Pack away all the work cloths. - We keep an array of old cloths, including coveralls on board when we are working on the boat in the hangar. When we are finished our projects, these cloths get stowed in our storage areas, so that they are not in our way in our limited storage on board the boat all summer.
Put away all the tools - Of course Dan has some tool storage on board, but at the end of the work session, it's time to sort all the tools out and only have on board what is essential for maintenance, and put away the ones that we use for major projects.
Rig the Bow and Stern Lines - During the winter we certainly don't need bow and stern lines, so those have to be re rigged and ready to use at launch.
Set the Fenders - As above we don't need Fender while in the hangar, so Dan will wash all of last years scum off of ours and rig them so that they are ready to use at launch.
Take our dock stuff to the beach.- During the summer there are a lot of things we use that are not a part of the boat. The boaters also have a few picnic tables along the shore in the marina that we gather at and socialize. One of them is a little rough, so I always supply a table cloth for that table, we also have an umbrella for the table as well. We keep a water pail for the dogs, a rake to clean up the area and a pooper scooper.
Not that we need the pooper scooper to clean up after the dogs, because everyone here is very fastidious about cleaning up after their dogs. The pooper scooper is to clean up after all the geese that inhabit our marina. They are certainly not agreeable to toilet training, so, we do our best to keep them at bay, but they always manage get up onto the grass when we are not watching. So all that equipment has to be delivered to and set up at the marina.
Put my winter kitchen away and set up my galley for the summer - During the winter in the hangar, my boat galley is not functional. All I have is 1 - 110 plug at my disposal. So I take my burners from my stove and store them. I then put a temporary cover on the stove with an electric frying pan on top of it. So that works to heat something up, when the tools are not running.
Clean up our hangar area - The last thing we do is sweep and clean up our entire storage spot.
Some times it all happens so fast, that we have to return to the hangar during that first week in the water to make sure it's all tidy and secured, till the fall.