I know that there are many people reading my blog. I can see that by looking at the statistics that blogger supplies to me. But I have had very few comments from those readers.
I would love to read comments from people who take the time to read my blog. To that end I am posting some instructions from Google. Hope this helps.
If you click this link, you'll see the comments that other readers have left, and the option to leave your own. The link might open a pop-up window, depending on how the blog owner configured their comment settings.
Beneath the text field for your comment are the identity options. (The list might have other options, depending on the blog's settings.)
Options might include:
- Google Account: If you choose this option, your comment will be attributed to your Blogger display name, which will then link to your Blogger profile. If you've chosen to link your blog to Google+, then the name used on your Google+ profile will show up next to the comment, and link to your Google+ profile.
- Anonymous: If the blog owner has allowed anonymous comments, then you'll also have the option to leave a comment anonymously. If you leave an anonymous comment, it will not link back to your blogs, Blogger profile, or Google profile in any way.
- OpenID: Learn more about what it means to use OpenID to leave a comment.
- Other third-party sign-in options
- This article only covers Blogger's commenting system. Some Blogger users have installed third-party comment systems (e.g. Haloscan, Enetation, etc.) which will work differently.