Wow, did it ever rain here last night. It rained a little in the evening, but during the night it really poured. Dan emptied a pail, off the dock today, that was empty and now had 6 inches of rain in it. Poor Murray tried to put his canopy down during the storm and it was full of water and it broke. We had to pull the drain plug on our dinghy this morning, it was swamped. We are slowly drying out today.
So, having nothing else to do today, except to wait for everything to dry out, Dan installed our new Stainless Steel Bar-B-Q.
We can now Bar-B-Q when we are out on the lake. I am very pleased. I have wanted this for a number of years. Now I have to get busy and make a cover for it.

I guess Dan doesn't want to get his new Bar-B-Q dirty yet, because he has decided to use the old dock Bar-B-Q to cook our steaks tonight. Oh, well, we will christen it someday. Some evening he will take me "Out", for dinner. Out on the lake that is.