We had a very pleasant weekend. We didn't go very far, just out of the harbour, on Saturday evening, to take my Son-in-law and Grandson fishing. Blake is kinda stuck high and dry and out of the water, as he just got a very large tattoo on his leg and can't take the risk of an infection for a few more weeks. So, fishing was the choice for him and his dad for this weekend.

Rochelle and I, on the other hand, preferred to go swimming. Sea-Enna did too. The water was lovely. It always is at this time of the year, after all that heat in July. There's nothing I enjoy more than an evening swim, before bedtime.
Murray and Blake didn't have much luck with their fishing, all they caught were a couple of snags.

Misty didn't have much luck either, she fell in the water just after this picture was taken. It's a good thing I put the life jacket on her when she insisted on walking around the walk around. She slipped on the wet walk around and fell on her side on the swim platform and when she wiggled around to right herself, she rolled right off the swim platform into the lake. She doesn't really need the life jacket for swimming, because she can swim just fine, but the padding protected her when she hit the swim platform and the jacket gave us a handle to grab her with and swoop her up out of the water a little surprised and a lot wet. . She quickly shook it off (all over my hardwood floors) and went on her merry way.

So the guys were done with fishing and we had had our swim, so we headed on back into the harbour. No matter how much fishing tackle you have there's never a guarantee of a catch, but hey, "That's Fishing" for you.
I can't believe we are well into August already. The summer is just speeding by. For me, I look forward to it so much, and it just never seems long enough.