It was really warm and humid today. We took another trip to McAllen, to the dog park and we also had to sign off on the cement work we had done on our lot patio and driveway. The weather is supposed to turn really cold here there is a cold front moving in that is supposed to drop the temperatures from highs in the 80s to highs in the 30s. Yeah, that's not a typo, by Thursday the overnight lows are going to be in the 20s and the day time highs will only reach the 30s. It should be interesting, especially if we get any precipitation. I don't think anyone around here will know how to drive in the snow or ice.
I couldn't resist this picture from the dog park today. This is a nine week old German Shepherd pup, that was more than a little overwhelmed by all the other dogs at the dog park. He finally got over it and started to interact by the time we left. So that was our day. More tomorrow.
Living aboard a boat in Canada in the Summer and living in a trailer in Texas in the Winter. Click on "links to this post" to leave a comment.
Monday, 31 January 2011
Sunday, 30 January 2011
Whew! It's Hot!
It was really comfortable here last evening, it only got up to 75, with a brisk breeze, which died right off as the sun went down. After dinner Dan, watched TV while I as usual mucked about on the computer. We never anticipated what arrived today. When we got up, the heat was climbing fast. I think everyone decided to put their A/C on, in anticipation of the predicted 82 forecast, and blew out the power in half of the park. Including us.
Well the power was out for most of the day, so we went and hung out around the pool for the rest of the day, along with everyone else. Our usually deserted pool was the busiest I have ever seen it. According to my indoor/outdoor thermometer I have on board, the temperature climbed to 87 and I think I got a little pink colouring. That roast I was planning for Sunday Dinner is still in the fridge. I think it will be Subway for dinner tonight.
If the temperatures are going to continue like this for the rest of our time down south I think we better invest in a portable Bar-B-Q. BUT WHO'S COMPLAINING? Not us.
FYI in case your didn't know, you are welcome to leave comments on this blog and no one except you and I will see these comments or my answers. Feel Free to comment.
Saturday, 29 January 2011
Today We Took a Cruise Boat Down The Rio Grande River.
Our dock mates Sharon & Casey picked us up and we went on a boat cruise up and down the Rio Grande River.
I was amazed at how crystal clear the water was. It was like looking into a swimming pool, of greenish blue water. I always thought the Rio Grande would be murky like our Red River.
This must have been a beautiful cruise a few years ago. But last year they had a "Flood of the Century" They had torrential rain falls all along the Rio Grande and this area had water levels about 20 feet above normal levels, that did not recede for weeks and weeks.
This boat obviously floated up as the flood waters came and got jammed up into the boathouse and never came back down again.
Businesses and homes up and down the river were decimated and filled with silt.
This was once an extensive and exclusive resort that has still not been restored.
There is devastation everywhere you look.
Some will never recover.
Some are slowly starting to recover. The cruise company we cruised with, is one that is on it's way back. But I am sure they are hoping the scenery up and down the river will improve, and get back to it's former beauty.
All in all it was a nice day.
I was amazed at how crystal clear the water was. It was like looking into a swimming pool, of greenish blue water. I always thought the Rio Grande would be murky like our Red River.
This must have been a beautiful cruise a few years ago. But last year they had a "Flood of the Century" They had torrential rain falls all along the Rio Grande and this area had water levels about 20 feet above normal levels, that did not recede for weeks and weeks.
This boat obviously floated up as the flood waters came and got jammed up into the boathouse and never came back down again.
Businesses and homes up and down the river were decimated and filled with silt.
This was once an extensive and exclusive resort that has still not been restored.
There is devastation everywhere you look.
Some will never recover.
Some are slowly starting to recover. The cruise company we cruised with, is one that is on it's way back. But I am sure they are hoping the scenery up and down the river will improve, and get back to it's former beauty.
All in all it was a nice day.
Friday, 28 January 2011
The Latest News From Linda and Dan
When we arrived in Texas, we were booked in, to Magic Valley Park. It's a park we had stayed in last year and knew that we liked. Once there we heard about the new Off Leash dog park that had opened in McAllen. So we checked it out, and as I said previously in this Blog, Sea-enna loves it. Well, McAllen is about 15 miles from where we are staying, so we started driving back and forth 30 miles every other day to take her to her park . It didn't take long for us to realize that we should check out RV Parks in the area of this dog Park. After a few days of looking we found Paradise Park a couple of blocks away. 
After a number of days looking at our options and discussing it we ended up purchasing a "99 year Life Lease", on lot 335 in Paradise Park. It's a 26 X 40 RV site, with some pavement, Sewer, Water and Electric and two fruit trees.
The lot is in a 55 Plus Seniors Park and it works like a Condo in that now that we have purchased the lot, we just pay $110.00 a month maintenance fee and electricity that we use while we are there.

This park has all the same facilities that we have here at Magic Valley. Shuffle Board, Horseshoe pitch, Pool Tables, Card Playing, Crafts, etc. etc.
They have a nice Pool and Hot Tub, that we will get plenty of use out of. And the usual Showers, and Laundry facilities.
We have been busy with this investigation and decision making process, and that is why I have not been blogging much these past two weeks. We have made arrangements to have more concrete poured to enlarge our patio area, and we have to arrange for tie downs for our trailer then it will be ready for us and our trailer to move in.
We are still going to take our holiday tour to the East, but then we will return to McAllen for some of March and leave our trailer on our lot for the winter. No more hauling it all the way back to Winnipeg. Then we will travel up to Youngstown, for our visit, then head home.
We have made a deal with each other that we will stay in McAllen for January and March each year, but for the month of February, we will travel around the south and sight see. So that's the "Gnus "for now.
After a number of days looking at our options and discussing it we ended up purchasing a "99 year Life Lease", on lot 335 in Paradise Park. It's a 26 X 40 RV site, with some pavement, Sewer, Water and Electric and two fruit trees.
The lot is in a 55 Plus Seniors Park and it works like a Condo in that now that we have purchased the lot, we just pay $110.00 a month maintenance fee and electricity that we use while we are there.
This park has all the same facilities that we have here at Magic Valley. Shuffle Board, Horseshoe pitch, Pool Tables, Card Playing, Crafts, etc. etc.
They have a nice Pool and Hot Tub, that we will get plenty of use out of. And the usual Showers, and Laundry facilities.
We have been busy with this investigation and decision making process, and that is why I have not been blogging much these past two weeks. We have made arrangements to have more concrete poured to enlarge our patio area, and we have to arrange for tie downs for our trailer then it will be ready for us and our trailer to move in.
We are still going to take our holiday tour to the East, but then we will return to McAllen for some of March and leave our trailer on our lot for the winter. No more hauling it all the way back to Winnipeg. Then we will travel up to Youngstown, for our visit, then head home.
We have made a deal with each other that we will stay in McAllen for January and March each year, but for the month of February, we will travel around the south and sight see. So that's the "Gnus "for now.
Thursday, 27 January 2011
Finally Some Pictures of Magic Valley Park
Monday, 24 January 2011
This is What We're Up To
On Sunday we also went to a Garden Centre just up the street from our RV Park. It's really kind of neat to go into a Garden Centre and find that, plants that we would consider "House Plants" ready to be planted out in your yard.
This is What We're Up To con't
On Sunday morning we went to Mercedes, to find the new Outlet Mall. Thats where all the designers and manufacturers each have their own outlet stores with just their stuff.
It was interesting, but all I found to buy were a couple of T-Shirts. I'm sure we will go back again, because there are still some things I'm looking for.
I don't know what's up with weathermen. It's the same thing as at home. They always get it wrong. They keep talking about cold weather and every day since they have been talking about this cold front we've had temperatures over 70. If this is their idea of a cold front I'll take it.
Saturday, 22 January 2011
Now it's Sea-enna's Turn
They have built a new Off Leash Dog Park in McAllen. It's about a 13 mile drive from our RV Park, but it's worth the drive. It's a beautiful facility, and Sea-enna just loves it.
It's 3 acres double gated with two sections for large and small dogs. Benches and water fountains etc.
She loves to run free with the other dogs. All we have to do is say "Puppy Park"and she gets all excited. She knows what those two words mean. We are even looking around in McAllen for a different RV Park to go to next year, to be close to this park.
Friday, 21 January 2011
Off We Go to Mexico
Here's Dan & Casey at the bridge.
Just into Mexico and there is this big show of military strength. I think it is more a show for the Americans to make them see that they ARE trying to do something about the drug wars, but there has never been any problems at this border crossing like there has been at others that we have heard about. Once into the village it's like any other giant flea market, with people hawking their wares up and down the streets in front of all of the stores.
Wednesday, 19 January 2011
Glorious Texas
The last couple of days have sure made the long drive worth while. The weather has been wonderful. Yesterday we went shopping and I bought myself a new camera, which I am still trying to learn how to use. I hate the learning curve. I got a pretty good picture of Sea-enna though. Don't you think? After a nice dinner we sat out with our wine until after the sun was down. But just like Winnipeg at this time of the year the sun is down just after 6:00pm. It was still a nice evening.
Today we went out and did some touring and sight-seeing, and I kept trying and testing out my new camera. When we got back to the trailer I put a cassarole in the oven and we went for a swim in the MVP pool. It's a really nice facility with a hot tub etc. I don't know why, but I forgot to take my new camera to take picture. Oh, well, there's always tomorrow. We are going to be here until Feb. 5th so I'll get lots of pictures. This one is of one of the other RV Parks in the area. Because of the nice dog park in McAllen, we are going to look at a few of the parks there, to see what the possibilties are for next year.
Sunday, 16 January 2011
The Sun Came Out.
The sun finally came out this afternoon. What a releif, it got up to the low 70s. We went over and visited with Sharon and Casey. We enjoyed the outdoors on their front porch for the whole afternoon. A nice time, and finally some nice weather. Tomorrow is supposed to go to the 80s, so it's time to dig out the bathingsuit and go to the pool.
Saturday, 15 January 2011
Happy Birthday to Me!

I had a great Birthday yesterday. Other than a little shopping in the morning we hung around the trailer and relaxed most of the day. Then Dan took me out to an Italian Restaurant for Dinner. Very Nice. The temperatures around here have rebounded, but it's still very cloudy. The clouds are supposed to clear out by Sunday, then we will have that Texas sunshine I am here for.
Wednesday, 12 January 2011
Winter Texans
It appears that nothing will stop these Winter Texans from playing their addictive shuffle board. There is a tournament and even though it's only 48 degrees they carry on. This is day 2 of a cold snap down here and we and snuggled up in our trailer with the furnace on, but they are out there playing.
Tuesday, 11 January 2011
It's Cold here in Texas
Yesterday we took Sea-enna to the off leash dog park in McAllen and it was beautiful out, sunny shirt sleeve weather. We were really surprised to see so few dogs at this brand new facility. It got up to 80 degrees yesterday.
Today is a whole different story. We woke this morning to mid 50s, and it has been going down hill ever since. My friend Sharon is even covering her tomato plants.
Me, I'm doing laundry and cleaning the trailer. I also dug out my crock pot and I'm cooking up a batch of Corned Beef and Cabbage. It's supposed to stay this cold for 3 days, so I'll have to come up with a similar plan for the next 2 days as well.
Monday, 10 January 2011
More Relaxing in Weslaco.
The weather men here have been saying since we arrived that it is going to turn cold. When we arrived on Friday they said the weekend would be cold, then it was going to be early this week, now they are saying it's going to turn cold on Wednesday. Meanwhile the weather has been holding in the mid 70s and low 80s. We certainly can't complain about that.
We went and visited with Sharon & Casey of "Loafhaven", yesterday. Exchanged stories of the trips down etc. They stay 6 months and came in November, which makes for a much nicer trip down.
That's about all for now. My cold is getting a little better every day. So, we are off to the dog park with Sea-enna and that will be our outing for today.
Saturday, 8 January 2011
Relaxing in Weslaco
We took Sea-enna to a new dog park today, so she is laying here exhausted.
I'm still fighting this cold, but I have been trying to have a nap each day since we got here and drinking plenty of liquids.
In fact Ive switched from my usual Rye & Coke and I've been drinking Vodka and Orange Juice, strickly for medicinal purposes you understand. So that's about it for another day, I'm going to get my Jammies on and go to bed early.
Friday, 7 January 2011
Austin, to Magic Valley in Weslaco
It was a long boring day of driving. Rolling hills then finally flat lands just before the valley. We left Austin at 8:00 am and pulled in here at around 2:00pm. We got here and just crashed. We are both very exhausted. Dan's cold is subsiding, but mine is still hanging in there. It's going up to 80 degrees today, so I have acheived my shorts and sandals weather that I was looking for. But, tomorrow it is supposed to turn quite cold only going to 50s. Cool for tomorrow and for the next few days. We don't mind that, because we need an excuse to just curl up and rest for a while. I will take some pictures and update again tomorrow or maybe the next day. After all we are going to be here for a whole month.
Wednesday, 5 January 2011
McKinney Falls State Park, Austin Texas
Well, it was a long drive but we have settled in to McKinney Falls State Park. We have been here before and done all the sight seeing, so we will be moving on again tomorrow.
We blew right past "Thackerville", didn't even take pictures. "Been there, done that".
But Dan did get to stop in Denton, at his favorite Semi/RV /Car Wash.
We are going to try to make it to Weslaco tomorrow.
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