The Marina owners had a little Halloween Party for the boaters, in the lounge at Hanger 4 last night. Dan didn't attend, (still grumbling around about the cold he's getting over). I didn't dress up, but tagged along with our friends Gord and Ellie.
Neil and Sam, had great costumes befitting their "Arabian Nights" theme. It was a fun evening.
And more like a freight loading depot.
We have chosen November 10th as our departure date. This sudden down turn in the weather has me second guessing that choice, but I still have lots to do before we go. Six months of meds to order, shut down TV and Internet, cancel the Autopac on my car, back-up both my desk-top and lap-top to my external Hard Drive, so that everything goes with me, etc., etc., etc. I keep remembering one more thing to add to the lists.
I also try to plan out meals for the last couple of weeks here so that I use up all the food on hand and don't have to throw stuff away.